Dress Code

Dress Code Policy

Dress Code

Clothing bearing obscene writing or promoting indecent or unacceptable behavior, whether stated or implied, will not be permitted. In all such cases, students wearing inappropriate items will be asked to remove or replace them. When it is determined that students are in violation of these guidelines, they will be sent to the nurse’s office and provided with temporary clothing for the remainder of the school day.
No student is permitted to wear a hat or any other head covering in school, unless required to do so by religious custom or medical condition.
Since students at the elementary level have recess every day, it is recommended that the students wear sneakers or other safe footwear to school daily.
In addition, students should dress for the weather as recess occurs throughout all seasons of the school year. Medical research has shown that being cold does NOT cause a cold or flu. The current belief is that being inside for too long in closed spaces actually helps cold and flu viruses to flourish. It is much better for children to have a daily opportunity for fresh air and exercise. Therefore, as we have done in the past, students will have outside recess when the temperature is above freezing. Children should come to school with a warm coat, hats, and gloves. A hat is one of the most important pieces of clothing to wear since most of your body heat is lost through your head.

Cougar Apparel


One way to ensure that children meet our clothing guidelines is to consider purchasing multiple sets of our "Cougar Apparel" for daily school wear. Wearing any of our school shirts with a pair of blue jeans, khaki pants, or shorts will make getting ready for school each day a breeze for parents and children. Our shirts also promote school spirit and help us identify students during class trips. Requests for information regarding "Cougar Apparel" can be directed to the PTO at anytime.

Student Backpacks


Due to the number of students attending the school and the narrow hallways, backpacks with wheels are prohibited. In past years, a number of students were injured after tripping over wheeled backpacks. These large bags present storage problems during the school day and create a hazard within classrooms.



Wheeled shoes of any kind present a major safety issue for everyone within our school environment. Parents are urged to ensure that children come to school with appropriate clothing and footwear. The Heelys do come equipped with a non-wheeled insert that allows the shoe to function like a regular sneaker. Wearing Heelys without the "wheelys" is acceptable. However, the insert wheels should be left at home.

Personal Items


Students are expected to bring to school only those supplies, books and other materials needed for learning. The school provides students with recreational supplies and equipment for use during recess and/or Physical Education. Personal items, including but not limited to electronic devices such as cell phones, are not allowed to be used in school during school hours.

Cell Phones


As per Board of Education policy, cell phone use in schools by students is not permitted. We are asking parents' cooperation in making sure that precious learning time is not interrupted by cell phones ringing in the classrooms.