Homework is the student's responsibility. It is a contract between your child and the teacher. Returning library books on time, bringing in musical instruments on lesson days, and keeping notebooks and folders organized are also considered homework assignments.
Parents can help by setting aside time for either homework or school related activities, providing a suitable distraction-free environment, and helping when necessary. Parents should also look over the assignment as a reflection of your interest, and praise positive efforts to produce quality work. If the child experiences difficulty with the homework assignment, please encourage him/her to discuss the situation with the teacher first thing in the morning. Children in grades 3-5 should write a note to the teacher, indicating that an attempt was made to complete the assignment and describe what prevented them from completing the assignment. Parents can help guide the children as they develop their note to the teacher.
It is possible that the time needed to complete homework may vary. The classroom teacher will work to ensure that homework assignments are meaningful and family-friendly. All concerns regarding homework should be discussed with the classroom teacher.